“Let the little children come to me, and do not stop them, for it is to such as these that the
Matthew 19:13
Kingdom of Heaven belongs.”
Sunday School is held during the regular school year in both of our Churches for
grade levels Pre-K through 8th Grade. We ask all parents to enroll their children in Sunday Church School and
have them attend on a regular basis so that they may become close to the Church and learn more about their faith.
As parents and caregivers of our children, we wish to ask for your cooperation, support, and commitment to the religious education program
(Sunday school) of our Saint Demetrios Church. Together, as one Christian family, we can
nurture the spiritual life of our children so that they may continue to grow in the values of the
Greek Orthodox Church and faith.
Our Sunday school aims to provide well-rounded lessons on the bible, liturgical worship,
prayer life, sacramental life and mission awareness to enable our children to translate orthodox
principles into their personal lives.
As parents, bringing our children to church and Sunday school is one of the best gifts we
can gift to them, the gift of Christ’s love and saving message.
Sunday school is being held every Sunday at our churches. If you have not registered your child yet, please do so!